24-hour TSP Monitoring Results
Location AM3 - Wan Chai East PTW
Start Date Start Time Weather Air Atmospheric  Filter Weight (g) Particulate Elapse Time Sampling Flow Rate (m3/min.) Av. flow Total vol. Conc. Filter
Condition Temp. (K) Pressure, Pa (mmHg) Initial Final Weight (g) Initial Final  Time(hrs.) Initial Final (m3/min) (m3) (µg/m3) ID no.
2-Aug-17* 14:30 Cloduy 303.5 752.8 2.7858 2.8633 0.0775 8839.9 8863.9 24.0 1.21 1.21 1.21 1749.2 44.3 170601/054
3-Aug-17 15:15 Cloudy 303.7 755.5 2.8383 2.8763 0.0380 8863.9 8887.9 24.0 1.21 1.22 1.22 1751.7 21.7 170601/098
9-Aug-17 9:00 Cloudy 301.6 758.6 2.8835 2.9185 0.0350 8887.9 8911.9 24.0 1.22 1.22 1.22 1761.3 19.9 170601/080
Min 19.9
Max 44.3
Average 28.6
Remark:  *Due to the interruption of power supply at AM3 on 28 July 2017, the replenishment of 24hrs -TSP monitoring at AM3 was made up on 2 August 2017.